Katarína has been long devoted to the topic of self-development, both professionally and personally. Currently, she is completing a combined bachelor's and postgraduate study in Psychology in Management and Mental Coaching abroad.
In 2023, she embarked on a month-long expedition to Mexico, which afforded her the opportunity to spend time with indigenous folk healers known as curanderos. Curanderos believe that their healing abilities are linked to a spiritual mission and wisdom. This experience allowed her to glimpse into the closely guarded secret of soul healing in Latin America.
Currently, she is attending an intensive mental training focused on techniques of systematic thinking, trauma resolution, quantuming, voice-dialogue, and others, enabling her to delve deeply into the workings of the human mind with a focus on practical application in everyday life.
In her free time, in addition to actively pursuing personal development, she also engages in sports. To ensure her soul is happy and fulfilled, she is an occasional artist and painter.
At LeadINcentre, she works as the Sales & Event Lead.
She spent a month in Mexico in the presence of indigenous folk healers, curanderos.
For 20 days she travelled alone through parts of central and southern Spain to gain a better understanding of herself and explore the world.
She believes in the integration of mind, body, and spirit as a key element in the search for wholeness, harmony, and meaning in life.
She is devoted to psychology and mental coaching.